Tokyo Shishi Podcast
Now LIVE with the People, History, and Culture of Israel,
through the delicious lens of food!
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Episode 3, Now Up!
Ella and Hadas
Narrowly escaping death and making a miraculous boat ride that saved not just one life, but established hope for Israel. Sisters reunite over couscous, soup, and a delicious future.
Challah made in My tokyo kitchen
I will feature original recipes and the best techniques from stars in the challah-world. More to come.
At home, in my kitchen. Image by Sam Spicer Photography
How to Stock a Jewish Pantry Wherever You Live, published on
“Our shared Jewish food history covers where we’ve been but can also include where we each currently are. Where I am is in Japan, sprinkling my everything seasoning over rice, but also over a toasted piece of buttered challah I made myself.”
The history of Caraway Seeds in the Jewish world
Warning: this will trigger the memory of your grandpa’s toasted rye and bread and the cool cream cheese. You will want pumpernickels and every hearty loaf that stands in opposition to anti-carb diets like Whole Thirty. You will want to go back to European breads and throw off dieting forever. Discover the role caraway has played in Northern African, the Middle East, and Ashkenazi kitchens since ancient days.
Essay coming soon!
Making Challah & goodies with children
Coming soon
Cookbook Reviews
Coming soon